
For complete openness & transparency, HBNW financials are available to members.

Please see below Bank Details:

Bank: Nedbank

Branch: Hout Bay

Branch code: 167 609

Account type: Cheque

Account No: 167 602 9133

Account name: Hout Bay Neighbourhood Watch

Ref: Project Name / Your Name

Please send proof of payment to

Hout Bay Neighbourhood Watch exists to benefit EVERYONE.

We work to ensure safety for all and while our assistance is not dependent upon a person’s ability to pay a subscription, we do, however, require and welcome donations from Hout Bay residents and businesses alike. These donations are used for a variety of reasons: to support the running costs of our Watchcon Control Room, a community asset owned by HBNW and managed by CCP, on our behalf; to manage and upgrade our Radio Network; to increase the coverage of our CCTV Camera system; and to support patrollers in our less affluent areas. And HBNW has formulated an Integrated Community Safety Plan to make Hout Bay a safer place for all.

Integrated Community Safety Plan - What is it?

It is all about working together effectively to Detect, Alert and Respond to crime. This plan provides a detailed roadmap, driven by the community, to suppress crime and improve community safety. It interlinks ALL the community safety role players and defines how we work together. All role players have a variety of supporting technical systems at their disposal with Watchcon providing the central communication centre, at the heart of it all.

So we need to ensure that Watchcon has the best equipment and all the necessary resources to support the coordination of any type of response, be it a disaster (e.g. fire), security related or even during times of civil unrest.

Everybody can contribute and you do not need to belong to Neighbourhood Watch in order to do so.

Here are some options for your donations:

HBNW Debit Order Form_HBNW.pdf

Use SnapScan. You can now make safe and secure donations to us in seconds!

SnapScan is a mobile payment system that uses a ‘QR’ code for payment of goods, services and for making voluntary donations from your cell phone. Simply download the SnapScan App onto your smartphone and register for the service – takes less than 1 minute! Then scan this QR code with your phone, enter the amount and donation done!

Get a HBNW loyalty card from our ever supportive Hout Bay Spar in Victoria Avenue.

Every time you swipe this card a portion of your purchases will be donated to HBNW and Watchcon.

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