Glambins Project

Simply scan or click the QR code to place an order via your phone or online.

Price per Decal is R150

Order your Glambin

If you'd like to support HBNW then please purchase a stunning personalised bin decal which will carry your street address on it for easy identification, to raise awareness and to show your support every bin day!

For every decal sold our supplier, GlamBins, will donate R30 to HBNW.

If you donate more the extra amount will be transferred over to us.

Glambins cater to both the older bins with the flat front and the newer bins with the keyhole indentation. Please don't forget to let Glambins know which type of bin you have.

The decals will be delivered monthly to HBNW who will then distribute amongst the members who have purchased that month.

Once your order form is complete please send proof of payment to:

Thank you so much for your support!