U-Turn Project

U-turn is a Christian non-profit organisation that equips people with skills and work opportunities to overcome homelessness.

U-turn works with unemployed, dependent and addicted individuals and walks a journey with them to lasting employment, independence and sobriety. Six months after graduating from the programme more than 80% of participants remain employed and sober.

The journey includes initial assistance, substance abuse rehabilitation, skills training and work experience in one of U-turn’s Social Enterprises. It starts for many by being given a U-turn Voucher.

For more information visit http://homeless.org.za/vouchers/

U-turn vouchers are an effective way for you to assist people who are homeless. The voucher is more than a ticket for a meal or clothing. By purchasing vouchers you financially support U-turn, and refer people to the U-turn Service Centre to engage with trained staff. It is the first step on the journey of change. The vouchers are R100 for a pack of 5.

Natasha had been living on the streets of Cape Town for eight years. Each day, she’d walk the streets with her trolley collecting paper and cardboard from bins and businesses around Green Point and Sea Point to sell for recycling. One day she passed the Radisson Hotel as a guest was leaving the hotel. He gave her a box with the remains of his lunch, along with a U-turn voucher, which she gladly received.

Natasha didn’t know what the voucher was, but read the information on it and found that it entitled her to food or clothing. Eventually, she made her way to the U-turn Service Centre in Claremont and was able to receive the help she needed to get off the street.

Today, Natasha is a U-turn Life Change champion and much loved member of our team. She works in one of U-turn’s charity shops and is turning her life around.

If we all collectively agree to give responsibly by putting people in touch with support services and rehabilitation programs, we can change lives and turn back the tide on homelessness.